A new shareholder joins Swedish proptech company Myrspoven AB when Revelop enters as an investor after reaching excellent results with extensive energy savings and a significant reduction in climate impact from their properties.

– We are pleased that Revelop has entered as a new partner, which we consider a positive development. The ability and opportunity to transform a successful collaboration into an investment only shows that they are serious and share our vision to globally reduce the real estate industry’s climate footprint by 1%, says Anders Kallebo, CEO and co-founder of Myrspoven.

Revelops investment in Myrspoven comes after their successful collaboration in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, increasing comfort, and reducing costs in Revelop’s portfolio of properties. The company acquired the shares from two smaller shareholders who sold their secondaries from an early stage of “friends and family” investment.

– We enter as co-owners in Myrspoven so that together we can step up the development of intelligent automation solutions, and the work of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from our industry. Myrspoven has come a long way on this journey, and we want to both support them in the development work ahead and at the same time benefit from it in our properties, says Revelop’s CEO Thomas Sipos.

Revelop and Myrspoven have a shared history that predates the co-ownership. Revelop has shown a clear ambition for optimizing energy usage, which we can see with their distinct sustainability strategy that embodies their work with all properties in their portfolio. From the start, Revelop has been curious and open to new technologies to gradually transform their properties from brown to green to achieve significant energy reductions.

– Revelop invests in places that develop our distinct focus on sustainability. Myrspoven is at the forefront of autonomous energy savings, which aligns with our ambitions. Therefore, we see co-ownership as an investment in our continued collaboration and a necessary tool for Revelop’s future ESG strategy. In the long term, Revelop’s distinct sustainability focus means that we, together with Myrspoven, will gradually apply the technology in several properties as the collaboration will continue and develop, says Thomas Sipos, CEO of Revelop.

About Myrspoven
Myrspoven has developed unique and groundbreaking software to optimize buildings’ existing technical control systems. Through artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning, the software can autonomously manage buildings in real time based on energy use and cost efficiency.